Program/Project Proposal

Program/Project Proposal

How do I PROPOSE a program, project or class I would like to start at UUMC?

Is the Holy Spirit prompting you to serve our church membership, the local community, and/or our global community as the hands and feet of Christ?

Do you want to offer a program, project, or class through UUMC?

Then here’s how!

To best support and facilitate this work, it is important to coordinate programs and events in such a way that they do not overly burden or compete for resources – personnel, materials and facilities. To that end, the following process will help both you and the church use our gifts and resources to support the work of Christ.

  • STEP 1: Make an appointment with appropriate staff to discuss your idea to see if/when/how it fits with the church calendar, the church mission & vision, and other church events.
  • STEP 2: Fill out and submit a Program/Project Proposal Form  to the Front Office. Sample forms which have been successful are available in the front office for you to use as you fill out the form.
  • STEP 3: Your Program/Project Request Form will be reviewed by the staff and ministry roundtable who will contact you regarding any questions, concerns, or for further information which might be needed; a response to your request will follow in 1-2 weeks.

Still have questions? Please do not hesitate to contact the church office for clarification at (575) 522-8220 or